Saturday, 6 June 2009

But it doesn't have to.

The year is 2040, but some things don't change....Somewhere there is a school library book which needs renewing. It's due back in October. It tells the story of some teenagers who wanted to know why the nuclear trains were running at nights, where they were going and why no one would talk about it....Also, where had all the good guys gone?
There had already been one nuclear accident, resources were scarce, people were growing food wherever they could, and most of them were trying to make a better, kinder society. The only question the teenagers had, was did the government share their aspirations?
This was a new England, where people looked out for each other, grew organic food, shared what they had, but there was something wrong. It was up to the teenagers to find out what and time was running out.
The year is 2040. There already has been a nuclear accident and somewhere there is a school library book which needs renewing, but it didn't have to be written. Fast track back to 2009.The future is up to you.
If you want to know more, go to and look for Everyone Can be a herO, or find a copy in selected Waterstone's bookshops.