Monday, 25 April 2011

The last day, the last evening, and soon, the last moment.

    If you have an allotment, if you ever wanted an allotment, if you'd like an allotment or you'd like your kids to have one, some day....  this is the last chance you may have to take part in the government consultation to take that right away from you.  Yes, it's a lovely evening, but your two minutes to comment online could blossom into years of happy growing, or hapless landless years of government inspired loss of your previous rights. These rights have existed since 1908.
     To read more and link direct with the consultation site, go to Landshare and the article.  Act Now to Save Allotments

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A is for alpha particles

     It would be good if A was mainly for apple, a round, red, wholesome flavourful, juicy organic apple. Right now it's for alpha particles. Why? Well you can't identify them easily with every Geiger counter...  You can make a reasonable assumption, I have read, from spikes in Geiger counter readings from other radioactive sources, that they are present.... or you need a Geiger counter that you can specifically measure them with.
     What is so special about them? I was taught at A level that they couldn't get through a thin sheet of paper...bumbling, heavy kind of things in an atomic kind of way.  Oh how little we knew then!  I reckon that when you thought you knew it all, then... when you realise that you know very, very little, in fact almost nothing at all.... this is the beginning of true learning.
     Actually, alpha particles emitted from plutonium or uranium which has been inhaled or ingested can very definitely cause you problems in the long term. It isn't just alpha particle emitters, some of the other radionuclides aren't too people friendly either.
     This is why, when people in the Tokyo region reported that they have swollen lymph nodes and sores in their nostrils, it is concerning.
      The website, which I, personally, am very grateful to be able to use at the moment is that of the Low Level Radiation Campaign.  It has always been at the forefront of exposing uncomfortable truths and right now, people are beginning to value its content more than ever. If you want to find out more, you can look up alpha particles and cancer for yourselves and I seriously recommend a visit to if you want to find out about Japan right now and see what practical steps the Japanese people can take.
     I don't blame anybody... we can all make mistakes... let's just learn from them.  We are possibly at a cross roads in the future of mankind... whether, frankly,  we are going to survive or not .. and I am here only looking at the whole nuclear scenario.... Don't think we haven't had scares in the U.K. because we have.  Belarus or Britain, it can happen anywhere.
     We still have time.... some of us.