Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Leaks from nuclear power plants, birth defects from Chornobyl. Go to Beyond Nuclear for the latest news

 Have just read some of a fifty page report from Beyond Nuclear, mainly about tritium,  and page after page of recorded leaks in the USA of radioactive waste. Just because tritium isn't a large atom, it doesn't mean it can't do you any harm.  It replaces hydrogen in the body.  Do you know how much of your body is made up of hydrogen atoms? Have a guess. Research it...It's in their report and it might surprise you!
Beyond Nuclear is written to inform the public, so there isn't anything I have come across which hadn't been explained so that I couldn't  understand it easily.   Tritium doesn't just leak from underground USA  waste pipes.
The other recent report is about birth defects in babies being born in the Ukraine, around Chornobyl. This is an up to date report and is different from the previous U.N report.These babies weren't born when the accident happened.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dendelion for writing about our report! We are glad you found it easy to follow which we designed it to be. There will likely be frequent updates eventually compiled in a supplement as the leaks of course continue.
    Linda Gunter. Beyond Nuclear.
