Saturday, 14 August 2010

Where The Fox Goes.

     This post is in addition to my usual ones.  As well as Everyone Can be a herO, I have recently put onto PDF the first novel I ever wrote, updated and rephrased in places, but nevertheless,  a book of the early nineties, which were surprisingly relevant to our current situation.
     This was the time just before nearly everyone had a  mobile 'phone and most people weren't conversant with computers, unless it was for work.  It was also one of the last times I remember when kid had more freedom and used to play outside.  It was another time of factory closures as trade was moved to places where they paid less and made more profit.
     I first wrote it as a television series and sent an outline to Alan Yentob, in 2003. This series never happened (!)  but it actually makes a better book anyway. We are flogging it for a pound a pdf on my website,  when I can get the Home Page on line.
     A fox makes it's way through a town and the surrounding countryside, the path it takes leads it through the gardens,allotments and landscape of the families in the book.   They  have cut backs and job losses and the allotments and wastelands are under threat from a developer.  This is a book in which Christians are not afraid to sing hymns as they walk down a country lane.  These same paths were trodden by Christians in the times of the enclosures and it is their commitment to the people around both in the eighteen nineties and in the nineteen nineties which counts in the plot. It is a family book and it also contains the story of a lost cat, who, like the fox, touches on people's lives, arousing compassion and affecting their lives for the better.

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